This is how i feel about u (go back »)

October 6 2007, 12:47 AM

please dont hold her like that

at least not infront of me

stop telling me how you love her

and that you two are meant to be

im glad that your smiling

and that you found someone to love

but i just cant stand the fact

that shes the one your thinking of

please dont kiss her like that

at least not when im there

stop telling me about her

cause i honestly dont care

please dont state that you love her

i dont wanna hear what you say

stop telling me its forever

making me jealous everyday

im yelling to you "Congratulations"

you've found that special someone

i thought i'd find mine

but your hearts already been won

please dont look at her like that

cant stand the love in your eyes

stop telling me how you feel

i dont wanna keep telling you lies

im always trying to look happy

and you ask me if im okay

of course i gotta lie to you

cause what else would i say?

so please dont say you love her

i know its greedy of me

but i've fallen in love with you

i wish that you could see


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  • Female
  • 15 years old


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